Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Secret Garden

Hellooooooo......... (cyber-echo) ......

My facination with fauxtography started a few months after moving to Florida & 5 years & 4 cameras later, decided to create a blog & post some things online .... just for fun. Since I'm not a professional, I use the term fauxtography on purpose. As time goes along, (& depending on what kind of comments are posted - Hah!) I'll add more posts & pics of places where I've visited, cool wildlife, high rise buildings, beaches, quaint little towns, clouds & even some people. Maybe I'll make suggestions about the best places to visit in the Sunshine State. For this post, I'll use pictures of stuff taken from VERY close to home - my garden.

Welcome to my humble blog.

I get a lot of shots like these without ever leaving my yard .....

........or my front porch......

..... or the front walkway....

..... or the side yard near the property line. (Say Hi to 'Maggie', pictured above - that's what I call her.)


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Key Biscayne View From The Top

We travel a lot & it gives me a chance to put my camera to work. Lighthouses are some of my favorites, but I'll save most of those pics for later. This one is from Key Biscayne, a beautiful little key off of Miami Beach. We climbed these stairs on a blistering hot day, but the view was worth it. Fortunately, there are only half as many steps here as the one in St Augustine.  

The lighthouse leans a little, like that famous building in Italy. Not the photographer's fault! 

I like how the beach curves here. The pictures from the opposite side had too many people in the frame - reminded me of the Jersey shore. Empty is better.

People live in these little huts. Wouldn't want to ride out a hurricane here.

I like centering most shots, but sometimes lining things up to one side gives a better perspective. The centered shot (deleted) interrupted the nice background & was all tree trunk. This one seemed to grab all the important stuff. I'll post a bunch of pictures of palm trees (& coconuts) later.

Thanks for visiting - I love getting comments & I still want to get more followers than Dave. He will be so jealous.